I can really tell you what means to be scared and I mean really, really scared. Imagine that you are in a foreign country, where you have also entered with a VISA, and your visa is expiring and you have to catch a plane, but your rented car died at over 200 Kilomenters distance from the airport - and you also have only about 6 hours until the plane is taking off.
So you can imagine how I was feeling in those moments, I was really panicked (in fact it was the only thing that I could do a tthat moment) and after calling the rent a car company (which in fact was an international car rental company - SHAME ON THEM) they tolk me that I would have to wait at least for 8 hours in order to get another car, another car that would take me to the airport.
After that conversation I was really convinced that I am going to remain in Romania for the rest of my life (and oh well - at least the food is more than decent, so I was really losing it).
But then I started searching the internet and found someone that was offering the kind of service that I was needing - so actually I let that car there (the dead car) and hired a company that offers the best transfer to otopeni services - and a very nice guy with a Mercedes car came after me and actually solved all my problems.
And I was like - WOW... a private driver walked me through this country with a very nice limk - that was simply great.
luni, 29 august 2016
vineri, 26 august 2016
Best practices in software development
When talking about what are the best paractices regarding the software development I can tell you that there are really a whole aspects where you should look - there is not only the interface that needs UX, but also the code needs special attention, comments, organization and so on.
And as people are not that objective everyone would say that his part of the job is the most important - like for instance the database administrator will tell everyone that no one can write good code without a preoper database architecture, or that no one can exacute fast queries without a good software and a good relational database system.
So... best practices could mean a lot of things - also related to design, to the fact that a software solution (like Tour Wizard for instance - which is a virtual tour creator) has to be very well optimised for all kinds of devices that would be accessing it.
We are in the modern software development era, where it is almost impossible for a small team of enthusiasts to create a new revolutionary system anymore - it is not possible to really develop a great product without having extensive knowledge regarding servers, databases, backup systems, model view controller development, scrum, and other things that are even more weird like the online marketing things - and here I can ennumerate the content marketing, search engine optimisation, adwords campaigns, bing campaigns, social media advertising and so on.
All the things above have best practices and all of those have to be taken into consideration when planning to develop even the smallest software solution.
And as people are not that objective everyone would say that his part of the job is the most important - like for instance the database administrator will tell everyone that no one can write good code without a preoper database architecture, or that no one can exacute fast queries without a good software and a good relational database system.
So... best practices could mean a lot of things - also related to design, to the fact that a software solution (like Tour Wizard for instance - which is a virtual tour creator) has to be very well optimised for all kinds of devices that would be accessing it.
We are in the modern software development era, where it is almost impossible for a small team of enthusiasts to create a new revolutionary system anymore - it is not possible to really develop a great product without having extensive knowledge regarding servers, databases, backup systems, model view controller development, scrum, and other things that are even more weird like the online marketing things - and here I can ennumerate the content marketing, search engine optimisation, adwords campaigns, bing campaigns, social media advertising and so on.
All the things above have best practices and all of those have to be taken into consideration when planning to develop even the smallest software solution.
vineri, 12 august 2016
City Break Atena
Poveştile sunt totdeauna un minunat motiv de a porni în
Legendele Olimpului cu atât mai mult. Drept care un City
Break cu destinaţia Atena presupune a porni pe urmele unor personaje
mitologice, fabuloase, care au pus amprenta lor pe întreaga evoluţie a
civilizaţiei noastre europene şi nu numai.
Atena e aproape şi cu maşina, darmite cu avionul. Şi parcă
primul drum e de făcut pe Acropole. Contactul cu pământul unde s-a născut
istoria, cu vestigiile meşterilor de mai bine de două mii de ani, cu
frumuseţile artiştilor care au intrat în legendă şi au dat un sens artei, este
principala atracţie a oricărei călătorii la Atena.
Atena a dat ideea Olimpismului, acolo pot fi întâlnite şi
urmele primelor întreceri de acest gen dar şi arenele sportive de la ediţia
2004 a Jocurilor Olimpice.
Apoi Atena este oraşul poftei de viaţă, al unei vieţi
tihnite, de găsit în vechile cartiere de oameni tradiţionali, în care
ospitalitatea te face să te simţi nu un turist standard ci un oaspete drag,
îmbiat cu toate bunătăţile din zonă.
Despre ţaţiki, ghiros, feta, ouzo ştim din auzite sau din
ceea ce aduce comerţul la noi, eventual de la restaurante greceşti din România.
Dar merită un City Break pentru a degusta la faţa locului ce înseamnă toate
acestea, ce înseamnă măsline, ce înseamnă portocale, ce înseamnă fructe de
Aşa poţi vorbi în cunoştinţă de cauză despre souvlaki, kleftiko, Mikonos , Psarossoupa şi Kakavia, Vasilopita.
Sute de scene şi amfiteatre, cu muzică tradiţională sau de
toate genurile, cluburi de noapte, cel mai mare planetariu din lume, iată
sumedenie de alte atracţii din Atena.
Dacă pe de-o parte există mirajul istoriei, Atena oferă şi
racordul cu arta contemporană, Technopolis fiind numele unui spaţiu industrial
transformat într-un cămin al artei.
Şi nu trebuie uitat că Grecia e o ţară
însorită mai tot timpul anului încât un City Break poate însemna şi un răsfăţ
pe o plajă ateniană, mai ales într-o lună din an în care pe la noi e frig şi
doar visul te poate ajuta la asemenea exotisme.
Ei bine, visul se poate împlini cu o călătorie la Atena.
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